Diagnostics of undesirable agents in laboratory rodents and rabbits consists of methods in the fields of serology, bacteriology, parasitology and histology. Main serological methods used for detection of antibodies to viral agents, are ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and IFA (immunofluorescence assay). Bacteriology is based on culture and followed by identification of bacteria with MALDI-TOF (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization – time of flight) or sequencing. Microscopy and coprology are the main methods for detection of ectoparasites and endoparasites. Histology is used when macroscopic lesions on organs and tissues are discovered at autopsy. For detection of DNA or RNA of undesirable organisms are also used molecular biology methods like PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and real-time PCR.


ELISA is the main serological method used in our laboratory. IFA is used for verification of ELISA results and it is the main method for detection of antibodies to some udesireble microorganisms (like Pneumocystis sp., Chlamydophilla psittaci,...). Other methods used in serology are: MAT (micro-a…


The culture on basic and selective-diagnostic culture media in aerobic, microaerophilic and anaerobic conditions is used for detection of pathogenic, opportunistic and usual microflora in laboratory rodents and rabbits. After the isolation of microorganisms in a pure culture, microscopic examinat…


Parasitological examination is performed for the purpose of detection and identification of ectoparasites and endoparasites. The most frequently used method is microscopic examination of the sample. Ectoparasites are detected by microscopy from skin scrapings and fur samples. Endoparasites are de…


We perform both routine and diagnostic autopsy of laboratory rodents and rabbits. The routine autopsy is performed for health assessment of the animals and sampling from predilection mucous membranes and tissues for bacteriology (culture, PCR). Main organs and tissues are assessed at autopsy and if…